Sunday, January 9, 2011

[Skinning] Savage Leather in Deepholme (new)

Since they nerfed the groups of bats in Deepholme rendering them un-skinnable people have been trying to find new locations to farm for leather. One great spot I have discovered is The Pale Roost in Deepholme where the elite stone drakes will fall to the ground, stunned for a few seconds before flying back up. When they are on the ground they have around 70-80k HP and are easily killable by a level 83+. Each kill renders around a gold, a higher chance for green items, and when skinned they always drop a Savage Leather or Blackened Dragonscale.

Not only is this location a great skinning spot, it is also a prime farming location simply because the mobs are elite.

Happy farming :)


Sunday, December 12, 2010

[Jewelcrafting] Daily Quest Green Gems!

First of all, if you are a Jewelcrafter you must be doing your daily quest every single day, time permitting. One of the most important ways to make gold with Jewelcrafting is by cutting rare and epic gems, metas, or selling the crafted rings. These are all gained via the Jewelcrafting daily which is given by Marith Lazuria in The Valley of Honor in Orgrimmar.

After doing the Jewelcrafting daily for several days in Orgrimmar I have begun to see a growing trend. The day that Hessonite is required for the daily, the prices skyrocket and the same goes for Nightstone. Hessonite and Nightstone, are so far the key gems used in two of the Jewelcrafting dailies, and it is advisable to wait to sell these uncut gems on the days of each respective daily quest. I have seen the prices of each individual gem skyrocket as high as 350g a pop on the day of that specific daily.

However you manage to obtain your uncut gems, save your Hessonite and Nightstone until the Jewelcrafting daily requires those gems!

Note: Zephyrite and Jasper are also used in the daily quest now too. 
