Sunday, December 12, 2010

[Jewelcrafting] Daily Quest Green Gems!

First of all, if you are a Jewelcrafter you must be doing your daily quest every single day, time permitting. One of the most important ways to make gold with Jewelcrafting is by cutting rare and epic gems, metas, or selling the crafted rings. These are all gained via the Jewelcrafting daily which is given by Marith Lazuria in The Valley of Honor in Orgrimmar.

After doing the Jewelcrafting daily for several days in Orgrimmar I have begun to see a growing trend. The day that Hessonite is required for the daily, the prices skyrocket and the same goes for Nightstone. Hessonite and Nightstone, are so far the key gems used in two of the Jewelcrafting dailies, and it is advisable to wait to sell these uncut gems on the days of each respective daily quest. I have seen the prices of each individual gem skyrocket as high as 350g a pop on the day of that specific daily.

However you manage to obtain your uncut gems, save your Hessonite and Nightstone until the Jewelcrafting daily requires those gems!

Note: Zephyrite and Jasper are also used in the daily quest now too. 


[Fishing] Volatile Fire in Hyjal

This amazing new fishing location was shown to me by one of my guildies, and it is an excellent place to farm Volatile Fire. The location is Sulfuron Spire in Mount Hyjal. You will be fishing from Pools of Fire that spawn in any of the lava pools in this area. This area is beginning to be competetive on my realm at least, so farm there while you can!

While you are waiting for the pools to respawn, kill all the level 81 Elites in the area because they also drop greys, greens, and Volatile Fire. They only have 110k hitpoints and are easily killable at level 85.

Finally, if you can't be bothered to kill mobs while you are fishing, by simply fishing into the lava where it is deep enough, you will still find Volatile Fire at a slightly lower drop-rate. 

Happy farming!


Saturday, December 11, 2010

[Alchemy] Transmute: Living Elements

Transmute: Living Elements
4 sec cast1 sec cooldown
Tools: Reagents: Transforms the essence of life into another element.  The exact result is not known ahead of time.

Blizzard has recently changed this Transmute so that you will know what you are getting, depending on which zone you are in. This is an extremely profitable gold making method for Transmute Alchemists because not only will you get 15 of another element, it will proc you additional Volatiles of an unknown element.

The zone Transmutes are as follows:
Mount Hyjal: Volatile Fire
Vashj'ir: Volatile Water
Deepholm: Volatile Earth
Uldum: Volatile Air

Currently the best way to make gold is simply farming and unloading anything you get onto the Auction House, but if you want to start leveling up professions check the prices of all Volatiles, and you will most likely be able to use Transmute: Living Elements to save yourself a lot of gold!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Long Term Investment: Pets

Almost any item that will have a demand in Cataclysm can net you amazing profit if you stockpile it now. Pets are a great example, namely the pets from the Oracles' Cracked Egg Sholazar Basin. This Egg requires you to be revered with the Oracles, and requires you to wait three days until it hatches into something.

The only people who will be in Northrend in Cataclysm are ambitious players or levelers. Without the portals it will actually take effort to go to Northrend and back. The average player will not go to this effort to obtain the pets rewarded from this Egg and would much rather head to the Auction House to find their favorite pets there.

The pets that you should be stockpiling now are:
Cobra Hatchling
Tickbird Hatchling
White Tickbird Hatchling
Proto-Drake Whelp

 The first three hatchlings listed all have a 20% drop rate, but the Proto-Drake Whelp has a much lower drop-rate. It will sell for far more than the others because the demand is the same but the supply will be far less than that of the other pets.

You should be thinking about selling these pets slowly any time after the release of Cataclysm, and there's really no reason you shouldn't be doing this on your main character! Hope this tip helps you!


Thursday, November 25, 2010

Cataclysm Cooking 1: Cooking Dailies

 Patch 4.0.3a brings us the new Cooking and Fishing dailies in Orgrimmar (and Stormwind), which can be extremely profitable right now and into the early months of Cataclysm.

The quests given by Malrogg in Orgrimmar are as follows:
Careful, This Fruit Bites Back
Even Thieves Get Hungry
Everything Is Better With Bacon
Stealing From Our Own

Each of these quests awards +1 to the Cooking skill and 1 Chef's Award, which is the new Cooking currency.

One of the things you can buy from the Sous Chef recipe vendor in Orgrimmar now is a 'Crate of Tasty Meat'. It costs 2 Chef's Awards, and rewards several Cataclysm level meats. At the moment these meats are selling for at least 50-100g a piece, and they sell extremely well. The demand for these items will only increase as we get closer to Cataclysm, and will continue to rise for the first year or so of the expansion.

My tip is that on your main character, stock up the Chef's Awards to buy the hot recipes that sell nicely, and on all your alt characters, turn your Chef's Awards into Crates of Meat for massive profits.


Friday, November 19, 2010

...And a dash of luck!

Unfortunately, one component of making gold in this game is just pure luck. If you're in the right place at the right time, you could make it rich. Perhaps you log on to find extremely cheap Saronite Ores below vendor price? Maybe someone dropped a recipe for below market value? Maybe a farmer is looking for someone to buy out his stock of herbs? Maybe a naive player is trying to clear out their entire bank?

A few weeks ago everybody thought for sure they were removing the Insane in the Membrane Achievement from the game, and thus everyone was power-leveling the reputations before Cataclysm. Well as many people know, they announced that they won't be removing it from the game, and they will only be removing certain reputations associated with the achievement. The fallout of this was a massive drop in the prices of Librams, Pristine Black Diamonds, Darkmoon Faire decks, Ravenholdt Junkboxes, and Ink of the Sea.

I call it luck, although some may call it proactive decisiveness, farming for the Pristine Black Diamonds while they were inflated really payed off. Since I took advantage of this small window of opportunity and farmed up two Pristine Black Diamonds from Scholomance, I was able to make off with a cool 1,8k gold in two 20 minute runs, only to see the price plummet a couple days later due to the recent news. 

Have you ever taken advantage of something like this and made off like a bandit with some amazing profit? Feel free to share in the comments below!


Protect your wealth!

I have been hacked and then banned before, but the good news is, I know exactly how it happened and all my items and gold were restored about 3 weeks after I reported it. It's a growing concern, and with WoW gold having a real value compared to the US dollar, it is a very serious issue. If you are too lazy to buy an authenticator then here is a good tip to protect all your gold in game.

If you are reading this blog you most likely have a bank alt and probably a guild bank with tabs full of mats and valuables. The common routine of an account hacker is to clear out all the high level characters, vendor everything valuable, and then send it all to another account. One thing I noticed after being hacked was that the only characters that were untouched was my level 42 hunter, a level 8 shaman, and my level 50 warrior. They DID empty my bank alt (a level 1 called Bankocanada) but surprisingly enough, my wealth on all of my mid-level characters was untouched.

Here's the tip: Add your mid level characters to your bank alt's guild, make a separate guild rank for only one of your characters that will allow for the removal of gold from the guild bank. Put all of your gold into your alt's guild bank and you will be safely protected from withdrawing gold on all but that one inconspicuous mid-level toon.

Rarely will you have to withdraw extremely large chunks of gold, so it is a safe bet to keep the brunt of your gold locked away!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Living within your means!

Something I have come to realize very clearly is how living within our means is directly proportionate to how much gold we make.What I mean is, because I make a certain amount each day off various markets and investments I am more able to use my money for new ideas and/or investments.

As it stands, I can throw around 1-2k into a profitable market, a new gold making idea, or an investment, and not really worry about that gold because of where I am at with my overall gold pool, and my steady income. A couple months ago this would never have been the case, because I did not  have the confidence in the market that I have now.

I predict that in a couple months time, I will be throwing around 10-15k as if it is nothing special, because of the massive effect of inflation, and my increased daily income due to many maxed automated professions.

How well do you live within your means of making gold? Any foreseeable changes to your daily gold making system in Cataclysm?


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Diversification is key!

In Wrath of the Lich King, many people figured out very quickly that it did not take a lot of effort to make an obscene amount of gold. Although you were able to pull in an amazing amount of gold per day during the first quarter of Wotlk, those who really struck it rich were those with their fingers in many different pies. The more you diversify, the more you can protect yourself from inflation, protect yourself from a market slump, and protect your guaranteed amount of gold per day.

To break it down I will take professions alone. Each profession has a certain amount of potential on each server for making gold per day. If you sell only profitable endgame items from that profession, you will make a certain set amount of gold per day as your demand allows. If you add a few more professions to the mix, you will soon reach a point where you will not be able to keep up with the demand even if your supply is maxed out.

One of the most simplistic ways to diversify is to find out the most profitable items to sell on each of your characters, set up Zero Auctions with groups for each of those items, and simply log on and click the post button each day, as those items remain profitable. This method is quick and brainless, and only takes the effort to craft the items and setup the groups the first time.


Thursday, November 4, 2010

Cataclysm Green Thumb!

Many people view BoE green items as trash and don't see them as anything more than something to sell to the vendor. This paradigm cannot be further from the truth! Greens are one of the greatest ways to make gold while leveling a new character. Every single BoE green item you find can be sold on the Auction House, or disenchanted into more useful materials that you can sell. Either of these methods for getting rid of greens will net you at least double what you would have received from selling the item to a vendor.

In addition, most players won't think twice about accepting an item reward for a quest if there are no items that they can use being rewarded. The price difference between the cheapest item, and the most expensive item that the quest giver is rewarding can be truly staggering. By simply opting for the most expensive vendor priced item that the quest giver is rewarding, you can often quadruple your profits while questing. As a general rule, Plate items usually sell for the most, with mail coming next and then leather items, with two-handed weapons selling for the most out of any item reward.

I hope you find these tips helpful as we draw nearer to Cataclysm, where millions of players will jump into the long quest grind to 85!


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Making gold without even knowing it.

Many players aren't gung-ho about gold making and would rather do things that they actually enjoy in the game. I don't always feel like making gold, but in this game it's often something you cannot help but do. Whether you like it or not, you can be making gold while completely unaware. In essence, you can be doing something completely different, with another goal in mind, and still be making a ton of gold in the process. Reputation grinding is one of the many ways that players can do this and you will be surprised at the amount of gold that you can bring in while grinding reputation.

The Burning Crusader, for example, is an achievement that will require you to raise five Outland instance reputations to Exalted. Most of these reputations will require you to do a great deal of Outland instance farming where you will pick up items that still sell for extremely competetive prices on the Auction House.

A few of these items include:

Netherweave Cloth
Outland Greens
Outland Blues

If you have a profession such as Herbalism or Mining, you can also gather all the Ancient Lichen, Felweed, and various Mining Veins you see throughout the instances to net even more gold in the end with negligible losses in time spent grinding. If you add all of the grey items, weapons, feathers, armor, and other junk you vendor, you are left with a formidible gold making method that will net amazing gold per hour without you even knowing it!


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Things you should be doing before Cataclysm!

There are many items in game right now that if stockpiled carefully before Cataclysm, will make you a massive profit, and more than enough gold to buy flight training on all your characters, and max all of their professions to 525.

List of items:
All Cloth
Saronite Ore and Saronite Bars
Vanity Pets
Herbs, mainly low to mid level
Netherweave and Frostweave Bags
Profession Specific Bag
BoA Enchants or BoA Enchanting Materials

Note: These items will be hot the first week of Cataclysm's release, I have been stockpiling all of these items, and will be liquidating them within the first few weeks of Cataclysm.

Leveling Alts!
It has never been easier to level an alt, and now is the best time to finish off your last alt(s) to either 75 or 80. I recently finished leveling my Druid to 75 in preparation to max his Tailoring and Enchanting up to 525 in Cataclysm. With fully enchanted BoA gear, it has never been faster to take an alt from 1 to 80. Level your alts now and be a step ahead of everyone else when all the Goblins and Worgen hit the servers.

Organizing and Prioritizing!
Any time is a good time to fine-tune your 'system' for making gold, but now is a better time than ever, before Blizzard releases their largest expansion in history. Look for ways to trim the edges and fine-tune your system so that you are able to make the most out of the time you put in. 

Some examples could be:
- before you launch into a new gold-making idea, plan it out carefully step by step
- understand what opportunity cost is
- try new AddOns that will make your gold making more profitable, Add-Ons Post
- take the time to organize your banks and bags
- put links like Wowhead, Thottbot, ZAM, WoWArmory in your bookmarks toolbar for ease of use rather than always typing it in
- enabling your bank alt to move faster from the AH to the Mailbox and to your Bank (boot enchant)

Don't Procrastinate!
You have 3-4 weeks before the perverbial poop-hits-the-fan, prepare yourself NOW for the end of the world as we know it!


Farming Scholomance Pre-Insane Removal

This information is no longer valid and is for archival uses only.

Description: Fast and efficient way to farm the popular seller [Pristine Black Diamond] while they are still worth something!

Method: Kill the first 4 mobs where they stand, then start on the left side and AoE pull the entire room back to the corpses of the first 4 guards. Take the door to the left, I killed each summoner individually, because they remain stationary and only summon skeletons from where they stand. In the next room aggro gather all the mobs similar to the first AoE pull, circling the entire room. Continue down to the next room with the whelps. When you enter this room, tag the whelp(s) to your left, then drop down the hole on the left side and begin killing the mobs beneath as quick as you can. In about 10-15 seconds you will have the entire top floor coming to meet you at the bottom where you will AoE them all. Loot the boss and backtrack, open the doors that lead to the seven bosses at the end. Start with the top floor, clearing each room and its respective boss, and then drop down to the floor and finish the bottom three bosses before engaging the final boss. Happy farming and GL on the PBD!

Note: After killing the last boss I find it fast enough to just backtrack out of the instance, it only takes about a minute to run out.

Time: 00:20:56

Raw gold: = 24g

Greys/Soulbound Blues: = 25g
Pristine Black Diamond: 1 * 748g = 839g
Runecloth: 7.75 Stacks * 4.98g = 38.6g
D/E: = 6g
Crypt Fiend Parts: = 5.58g
Dark Rune: = 3.67g

Total Gold: = 941.85g

Important Note: Although this calculates to 2748.6 GPH this is a very situational farming spot because of the recent changes to the Insane in the Membrane Achievement. This is only 2748.6 GPH on US-Mal'Ganis(H) during the month of November, 2010. 

Screenshots: Before , After


The Start of Something New!

Welcome to my gold Blog!

My name is Xalted, and I play a Blood Elf Holy Paladin on US-Mal'Ganis. I have been making gold since the start of Wrath of the Lich King and have never really been at a loss when it comes to making what has become an ever covetted resource in the World of Warcraft. Halfway through the Wrath of the Lich King expansion I purchased a Tundra Mammoth and was always able to have the best craftable gear for my class and spec when each new raid instance came out.

The purpose of this Blog is simply to educate players and new gold entrepreneurs so that they can spend less time stressing over how to pay for repair bills, or how to come up with enough gold to level new professions, and have more time to spend doing what they love.

I will shoot for a bi-weekly posting frequency, but we will see how it goes as the game evolves.
