Thursday, November 4, 2010

Cataclysm Green Thumb!

Many people view BoE green items as trash and don't see them as anything more than something to sell to the vendor. This paradigm cannot be further from the truth! Greens are one of the greatest ways to make gold while leveling a new character. Every single BoE green item you find can be sold on the Auction House, or disenchanted into more useful materials that you can sell. Either of these methods for getting rid of greens will net you at least double what you would have received from selling the item to a vendor.

In addition, most players won't think twice about accepting an item reward for a quest if there are no items that they can use being rewarded. The price difference between the cheapest item, and the most expensive item that the quest giver is rewarding can be truly staggering. By simply opting for the most expensive vendor priced item that the quest giver is rewarding, you can often quadruple your profits while questing. As a general rule, Plate items usually sell for the most, with mail coming next and then leather items, with two-handed weapons selling for the most out of any item reward.

I hope you find these tips helpful as we draw nearer to Cataclysm, where millions of players will jump into the long quest grind to 85!


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